Everything You Need to know all about Bed Bug Bites

Bedbugs are common and mostly they have been in the United states. It's a very challenging to get rid of bed bugs in your home. Since bed bugs can survive long time without feeding but they can hide in your home specially behind the bed, furniture or the mattress covers. Most of Americans wants to get rid of bed bugs naturally without the use of harmful chemical sprays. First of all, you need to know about Bed bugs how they look like. Bedbugs are reddish brown in color, flat and oval-shaped. They can hide in behind your bed, furniture, clothing and mostly active at night when you asleep. Bed Bugs move from one place to another because they don't have wings. Most of time bedbugs bite at night when you are asleep in the bed. Bedbug bites are very dangerous because they become infestation or an allergic reaction. How Do You Know you have Bed Bugs? If you see any bed bugs in your house, stay alert before investigating. It's better while investigating uses the Bed bug UV detecti...